Thanks For Joining Quest Master's Realm
If you have not done so already, Join our Discord Server.
Help Available Around the Clock!
Anyone who has purchased DLC "Land of the Phoenix" and is stuck on Quest "Desert Investigation" Stage 7, Select Install Check Box in Manage my DLC. (see screenshots)
System Specification
16gb Ram is Recommended!
Lack of System Resources can lead to timeout / crashes, particularly when zoning.
SSD install will run better than HDD.
Nvidia GTX 1050 + . See below for Settings to improve framerate on weaker cards.
Windows 10 +.
Struggling to Login ? Stuck "Transitioning to Realm" ?
Uninterrupted Connection to the Internet is Required!
Firewalls can block QMR.exe Internet Access, preventing login, or zone transitioning.
You MUST allow "QMR.exe" Firewall Permissions (in and out) for it to work!
Close any Background Processing (updates / downloads / other programs).
Third Party Anti-Virus software can also disrupt the Game's Connection!
VPN not recommended!
Experiencing Random Crashes ?
Disable any CPU or RAM Over Clock, eg. Turbo Boost or XMP features in Bios !
Laptops - try this if overheating , set Max Processor Power to 99%.
All Unity Games Crashing ?
Open Cmd.exe as Administrator.
Type "DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" enter
then, when dism.exe complete type "sfc /scannow" enter
Still crashing? Can try empty DirectX shader cache.
Vsync or too high a target framerate can create issues.
In game, press 9 for settings.
Vsync = ON is causing crashes for some users.
​vsync OFF is now default all settings.
0= uncapped max framerate, not recommended, will max out gpu + cpu.
3= monitor refresh rate target, 2= half your monitor refresh rate target , 1= 1/4 monitor rate if 120hz+.
Press 0 to see FPS meter in top right of screen. if this is consistently below the target in Settings try reducing target fps via vsync settings above.
Increasing DLSS settings will also help,
default = 1, and 2 will increase your fps without too much blurring.
3= high (33% original scale), 4= dynamic (auto target fps rate) resolution, 0 = off.
RADEON and other Non RTX Graphics cards default 4 Dynamic Reduction.
You can set to use other resolution scaling settings, but will be TAA not DLSS.
Watch this Youtube Video for Demonstration of Screen Resolution Settings
i play on a 4k monitor and have dlss set to 3 for 60 fps on a RTX 2060,
or dlss = 1 or 2 and 30fps target framerate for higher fidelity.
On non Nvidia RTX cards this defaults to TAA with similar effect
Make sure latest Graphics card Drivers and Windows Updates installed.
Update Chipset Drivers and BIOS also.​​​​
SSD installs should perform better than HDD.​
Router and/or pc restart might help.
Player.log can be found in C:\Users\ [username] \AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\QMR
Login : Click on a Server nearest to your location or wherever your friends are playing.
This is not a permanent choice, you can switch between servers freely whenever you login.
Your character Name, Faction and Cosmetics are Permanent, for now.
Discord : discord.gg/RCyXDyWP7G,
email : questmastersrealm@gmail.com
Any problems please let us know.
​Always check you have Latest Version UPDATE !

Server Availability
​Servers should be Running 24 / 7 , N. American server always available.
With low player numbers, Europe will redirect you to the American Server.
Play from anywhere but location will affect latency.
Here are some instructions to help you Get Started​
Discord is the place to gather and share ideas, get Help, and find information.
Controls and Getting Started
The Quest Master's Guide contains a lot of Info on the Game and is being added to all the time.
After choosing a Server location you will need to select your character's Hair , Skin and Eye Color.
Faction is important, choose to follow Quel or Hel.
Open World PvP is active, this is your team or "side".
Once Done You must give your character a name and then click Create Character.
Now you Must choose which Skill Set to play, Rogue , Warrior , Priest or Wizard. Confirm Skill Set and Enter the Realm.
This is not a permanent choice, your character can swap between the 4 Skillsets simply by pressing F2.
WASD Movement , Space to Jump, Shift to Sprint.
1 , 2 and 3 switch between Non-Combat Movement [1] (a bit faster), Melee Combat Mode [2] and Ranged Combat Mode [3].
Useful keys include [Q] to switch your Light of Quel between head (melee energy regen) and body (health regen).
Press F to [Interact] with NPCs or [Interactable] objects.
Press F1 at any time for Menu Help Panel, F2 Switch Skillset, F3 visual Aids.
View the QM Guide for More Info :)